- Regular Church Office Hours are cancelled until further notice. Email is checked regularly even on non-workdays and is the preferred means of office communication, especially during non-office hours. Voice mail is generally checked about once per day, so e-mail if possible.
- Church Phone: 478-741-1714
- Email: office@hsuuc.org
- Mailing Address: High Street UU Church, P. O. Box 4566, Macon, GA 31208
- Street Address: High Street UU Church, 1085 High Street, Macon, GA.
- Packages Sent to the Church: When practical, please have packages for the church sent to you at home or some other location. If a package must come to the church, please do not have packages sent to the church’s street address if at all possible–there have been several instances when a package has been returned because no one was here to sign for it, or it required a special trip to pick it up due to the limited office hours. If possible, please have packages sent to our PO Box, since they can be easily picked up when the PO box is checked.
- Submitting a Request for Payment: Please download, print, and fill out a Request for Payment form and place it with any receipts attached in the top of the Church Office Inbox which is located on the desk in the downstairs office. DO NOT put any RFPs in any of the mailboxes. If you cannot or prefer not to print the RFP form, there are several blank ones located in the RFP Forms mailbox just inside the outer office downstairs.
- Please submit any address/email changes or other information to the church office, so our records will be up-to-date.
- Members and Non-Members who have requested to be in the Church Directory may request a Church Directory by contacting the church office.
- Please contact the office for all other information requests.