Why Do People Climb Mountains?
Have you ever wondered why people climb mountains? Join us this Sunday as we explore the possibilities that wait at the top of the mountain.
Have you ever wondered why people climb mountains? Join us this Sunday as we explore the possibilities that wait at the top of the mountain.
Audre Lord describes the “joy in living” as “one of our most potent weapons.” Join us this Sunday as we explore the ways that joy can shape and sustain our social justice work.
When was the last time you danced like no one was watching, or played with childlike abandon? Join us this Sunday as we let our hair down and tap into the world of make believe.
Capitalism creates a system that forces a scarcity mentality, one that tells us there isn’t enough to go around: not enough money, time, space…how does this framework bleed into our sharing of our values of love, acceptance, peace and hope? Join us this Sunday as … read more.
The kindness of strangers has the power to shift our whole perspective, even if just for a moment. What would our world look like, if we approached every moment with kindness, for ourselves and our neighbors? Join us this Sunday as we dream of a … read more.
“The more I think about it, the more I wonder if God and neighbor are somehow One.”
Join us as we wrestle with the complexity of a multiracial, multicultural and multireligious world.
To put love into action, we must love people for who they really are, that includes ourselves too. Join us this Sunday as we begin a 5 part sermon series based on the book “Exactly As You Are: The LIFE and FAITH of Mr. Rogers.
Any good work site requires safety equipment, and the work of building Beloved Community is no exception. Join us this Sunday as we gather the tools we need to create welcoming safe spaces for our community to flourish.
Intergenerational; Ingathering and Water Communion. Please bring a bit of water from your summer travels, “symbolic” water is fine too.