Speaker: Rev. Amanda Schuber

What’s In A Name

He/She/They – as our understanding of gender and expression continues to expand it can be a confusing landscape of language. Join us this Sunday as we untangle some of the mystery of identity.

Listening in the Dark

What changes in you, when you listen deeply to other? Join us this Sunday in exploring the idea of deep listening as a spiritual practice. Don’t forget, we will have our Congregational Meeting this Sunday as well.

Unitarian Universalism For the Future

What will our UU faith look like 50 years from now? In a changing world, where less than 20% of people attend church regularly, how do we stay relevant in people’s lives? Join us this Sunday as we explore the church the future.

All Will Be Well

Acceptance and peace can be difficult to find in the eye of the storm, but there is something transcendent in opening to what IS rather than pushing against it. This Sunday, we will heed the words of Juian of Norwich as we search for peace … read more.