Sanctuary Chair Project

Submitted by Arlen Goff, Worship Chair, Sanctuary Chair Project Lead

Today, the first day of a new year, we launch our funding campaign for our Sanctuary Chair Project. This is an investment in our future as a congregation and our mission to “better ourselves, our community and our world through integrity, justice and hope.” Transitioning from pews to chairs will make our worship space more accessible and flexible, offering ways for us to be together in ways we never dreamed of before.The cost to accomplish this new task set before us is between $15000 and $20000. Thankfully, we have already received two substantial gifts toward our goal. We are hoping that each one of our members, supporters, and friends will join us as investors and partners in this renewed vision of our mission in Macon and Middle Georgia.There are four ways you can contribute toward our goal: (1) a gift of cash using one of the special envelopes you’ll find beginning this Sunday in the pew racks in our sanctuary, (2) a gift by check with “Chairs” written in the memo line, (3) a gift utilizing our online portal found on our website (, or (4) a gift through the UUA’s crowdsource funding site (…/accessible-seating-for-high…).

On this first day of a new year, we face new possibilities, new opportunities, new potentialities for service to our community. I am hoping that each one of you will join with me in stepping forward into a bold new future for our congregation!

Arlen Goff
Sanctuary Chair Project Lead

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